Physical Dramaturgy: Ein (neuer) Trend?

Dramaturgie im zeitgen�ssischen Tanz ist ? positiv gemeint ? ein hei�es Eisen. Idealerweise sind Dramaturginnen und Dramaturgen w�hrend der Erarbeitung eines St�cks die besten Freunde der Choreografen. more more



Thierry Chervel

Born in 1957, Thierry Chervel studied musicology at the Technische Universität in Berlin. He has worked as film, music and current events editor at the tageszeitung, and was cultural correspondent in Paris for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. He is a founding member and publisher of Germany's largest independent online cultural magazine Perlentaucher, and of its English service Thierry Chervel is director of Let's Talk European e.V., a non-profit organisation, whose primary objective is to produce the Internet magazine

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Dear readers...

Monday 1 October, 2007

We've been online since March 1, 2005, delivering a daily press review of the German language feuilletons. Starting in October, we will only be able to provide a weekly summary, "From the Feuilletons," and two rather than three full-length articles per week.
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Our partners

For more information on signandsight's partners...
read more in Prague

Friday 29 June, 2007

Let's talk European! Towards a European public sphere. Over 50 chief editors and editors from all over Central Eastern Europe and beyond discussed in Prague from 15-16 June how Europe's most pressing questions could be debated across the continent. How can international media networks be extended? Read the summary of the conference here.
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Let's Talk European! in Amsterdam

Monday 4 June, 2007

In co-operation with the Goethe-Institute Amsterdam, Post Amsterdam and Dare2Connect, presented "Let's Talk European!" a panel discussion on the European public sphere. The event, moderated by journalist Hans Maarten van den Brink, featured Endre B. Bojtar of the Hungarian Magyar Narancs, Gerbert van Loenen of the Dutch Trouw, Arne Ruth, former chief editor of Dagens Nyheter and Arno Widmann, of the Frankfurter Rundschau. We give the text of the evening's discussion.
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Discussion between journalists about the European public sphere

In co-operation with the Goethe-Institute Amsterdam, Post Amsterdam and Dare2Connect, will present "Let's Talk European!" a panel discussion on the European public sphere. The event, moderated by journalist Hans Maarten van den Brink, features Endre B. Bojtar, editor-in-chief of the Hungarian weekly paper Magyar Narancs, Gerbert van Loenen, deputy chief editor of the Dutch daily Trouw, Arne Ruth, former chief editor of the Swedish Dagens Nyheter and Arno Widmann, head of the Feuilleton and Media section at the Frankfurter Rundschau.
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Comments please

January 15, 2007 is pleased to announce that our comments function is finally up and running...
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We are happy to announce

Friday 24 November, 2006

Two new developments at our website! A new layout for and a legal victory for
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The Non-English Patient

Monday 6 November, 2006

On Saturday, October 7, took part in a panel discussion at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the state of translation in the globalised world. The event, hosted by media specialist Rüdiger Wischenbart, featured Esther Allen, compiler of an eye-opening study on translation and today's book industry; Susan Harris of Words without Borders; Anne-Bitt Gerecke of; and Thierry Chervel, founder of's sister site We present the gist of the discussion.
read more at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Tuesday 1 August, 2006

In co-operation with and the Frankfurt Book Fair presents a discussion on world literature in the digital age with Esther Allen, Thierry Chervel, Anne-Bitt Gerecke, Susan Harris and Rüdiger Wischenbart. On Saturday, October 7 in the International Centre of the Frankfurt Book Fair. (Image: Frankfurt Book Fair/Hirth)
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Our user survey

Monday 3 July, 2006

We wanted to know who our readers are, where they live, what they like about and what they think could be improved. We had lots of reponses from all over the globe.
read more in New York

on Friday April 28, 2006

In co-operation with 2006 PEN WORLD VOICES, presents a discussion on "The Limits of Tolerance" with Pascal Bruckner, Necla Kelek, Dubravka Ugresic, Richard Rodriguez and moderated by Kwame Anthony Appiah. On Friday April 28 in the New York Public Library.
read more - MQS